
All operations with domains are carried out at cost price. The DRS system (Service Online LLC) charges only a commission fee in the amount of 17% to 7% of the Registrant’s account amount.

The size of the commission is determined depending on the Registrar’s advance payment.

If the amount of the first advance payment does not meet any of the connection conditions, this amount is considered an advance at the tariff with a commission of 17%.

Connection cost, UAH. Minimum advance, UAH. Registrar’s commission, % Credit limit *
300,00 0,00 17%
300,00 500,00 15% 10%
300,00 1500,00 12% 20%
300,00 3000,00 10% 30%
300,00 6000,00 7% 40%

* For most tariff plans, a credit system is provided, which allows you to use a credit limit in the amount of up to 40% of the average amount of the bill for the last 3 months. The credit limit can be set only with the consent of the parties, if this is possible no earlier than 3 months after the connection. Every 30 calendar days, the granted loan must be repaid in full (the Registrant’s personal account must have a positive balance). If the Registrant’s personal account has a negative balance for more than 30 days, on the 31st day all paid transactions are automatically suspended until the loan is repaid (the personal account is replenished to a positive balance), while the credit limit is canceled and can be granted again by the Administrator’s decision.

The tariff plan can be changed when a new advance payment is remitted and there is an e-mail from the Registrar about the desire to change the tariff plan.

Connection fee and minimum deposit are non-refundable.